The William E. Jones Collection on Unidentified Flying Objects

William E. Jones was the founder of Mid-Ohio Research Associates and The Mutual UFO Network of Ohio. The William E. Jones Collection on Unidentified Flying Objects (UFOs) contains newsletters, meeting minutes, and correspondence from UFO investigation groups and individuals, particularly MUFON chapters. Also included are books, magazines, journals, newspaper clippings, documentaries, audio recordings, and other publications and ephemera about UFO sightings and close encounter experiences across the United States and other countries. Materials are dated 1940-2013.
P H Y S I C A L--C H A R A C T E R I S T I C S
Contains VHS videocassettes, audiocassettes, compact discs, microfilm, and floppy disks.
A C C E S S--T O--M A T E R I A LS
Materials in box 11 have restricted access and may not be viewed without prior curatorial consent. The remainder of this collection is available for patron research, but may be used only in the Thompson Library Special Collections reading room. Audio/visual materials and computer media may need a use copy produced before access is allowed.
(Materials in this collection may be protected by copyright, and are made available for research and educational purposes. In general, the OSU Libraries do not own the copyright for materials from our collections and cannot grant copyright permissions for these materials. The user is responsible for making a final determination of copyright status. If copyright protection applies, permission must be obtained from the copyright holder to reuse, publish, or reproduce the work beyond the bounds of fair use or other exceptions to the law. Works in the public domain are not protected by copyright and do not require permission to use.)
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© 2024 MUFON of Ohio.