T h e
M U F O N--o f--O h i o
N e w s l e t t e r

One of our missions is to keep the public informed of activities accross the UFOlogy spectrum.
In our newsletter, you will find a wide range of subject matter, including investigations,
opinions, and sometimes even book reviews. We don't promote any singular view of the
UFO phenomenon, but, instead, offer the reader a broad range of evidence and opinions.
We create our newsletter in full color with high gloss paper stock.
We strive to have every issue range from 15 to 20 pages in size.
We are proud to offer you our newsletter,
published a minimum of three times per year.
NOTE: This is not the MUFON Journal, but our own Ohio based publication.
A one year subscription is $25.00.
To subscribe, please send us (by US Postal Service) the following information
along with your payment or click HERE fora printable order form
EMail address:
(Please indicate if you are currently a MUFON International member)
Snail-mail your information and subscription payment to
MUFON of Ohio
PO Box 152
Pataskala, Ohio 43062
Already a subscriber?
The mailing label on your last newsletter should contain
the date when your subscription is due for renewal.
All rights are reserved by the Mutual UFO Network of Ohio 2024