Two Ohio Wesleyan University coeds and a deputy sheriff saw a brightly-lighted object with a florescent glow moving rapidly in the southern sky around midnight Monday evening. The deputy sheriff saw the object moving southeasterly toward Westerville from his location north of Sunbury. (04/04/67)
However, two fraternity members raised doubts about the sightings by claiming they had launched a plastic bag and candle apparatus the night of the sighting. In spite of warnings from the local fire department the boys said they would continue their activities when weather conditions were right. (04/08/67)
In October 1973 the Delaware police received 10 to 15 calls of possible UFO sightings. A Delaware County deputy sheriff joined others in using a private plane to search for UFOs being reported in the southwestern part of the county. None were sighted. (10/19/73)
A Delaware couple claimed to see a UFO on Monday evening. They saw "a big white bright light, perfectly round, with a green tail" from their home at the intersection of Ashley Road and Morrow County Road 21 heading north-northwest. They guessed it was four or five times bigger than a star. It was seen beneath clouds. No sighting reports were received by the Delaware County Sheriff or the Ashley police. (04/25/90)