Read past MORA/MUFON of Ohio newsletters and Ohio UFO Notebooks from 1993 to the present. Click here to go to the P U B L I C A T I O N S A R C H I V E |
Read summaries of past MUFON of Ohio Conferences ![]() ![]() Click here to go to the C O N F E R E N C E A R C H I V E |
![]() B I L L--M U R P H Y' S-- A N O M A L I S T-- R O U N D U P The Anomalist |
The "Anomalist" is a daily review of world news on
maverick science, unexplained mysteries, unorthodox theories, strange talents,
and unexpected discoveries" online – the pro and the con. This "News Roundup"
summarizes some Anomalist UFO-related articles. It reflects my opinions and not necessarily
those of others at The Anomalist or other organizations to which I
belong. November / December 2023 |
![]() A L I E N S Las Vegas (KLAS) |
A Las Vegas family claims something crashed in their backyard, prompting them to call 911 about “non-human” beings – the thing is, this time, several people saw it. Sources say that it is likely something crashed into the yard, but exactly what remained unclear more than a month later. Drone video showed a circular imprint in the dirt. June 2023 |
![]() U S---R E T R I E V E D C R A F T Leslie Kean and Ralph Blumenthal - "DeBrief" |
A former intelligence official turned whistleblower has given Congress and the Intelligence Community Inspector General extensive classified information about deeply covert programs that he says possess retrieved intact and partially intact craft of non-human origin. The information, he says, has been illegally withheld from Congress, and he filed a complaint alleging that he suffered illegal retaliation for his confidential disclosures. June 2023 |
"W E' R E--- D E E P L Y S K E P T I C A L" Victor Tangerman - "Futurism" |
An Air Force veteran and former member of the National Geospatial-Intelligence Agency named David Grusch has come forward, alleging in a series of interviews that the US government has secretly recovered alien spacecraft — and even dead "pilots" inside them — for decades as part of a top-secret UFO retrieval program. June 2023 |
M I L I T A R Y W H I S T L E- B L O W E R Brian Entin - "Newsnation" |
An Air Force veteran and former member of the National Geospatial Intelligence Agency is coming forward with information on what he claims are extraterrestrial craft recovered and kept secret by the U.S. government. June 2023 |
![]() N A S A S T U D I E S U F O s Lawrence Ukenye - "POLITICO" |
NASA announced that it’s launching a scientific study of reported sightings of UFOs, the latest in a wave of federal agencies trying to understand the nature of a series of unidentified aircraft flying in protected airspace in recent years. June 2022 |
P E N T A G O N R E L E A S E S U F O---V I D E O S |
The Pentagon has formally released three unclassified videos of the "unidentified aerial phenomena" first reported in a 2017 investigation by The New York Times. "After a thorough review, the department has determined that the authorized release of these unclassified videos does not reveal any sensitive capabilities or systems, and does not impinge on any subsequent investigations of military air space incursions by unidentified aerial phenomena," Sue Gough, a Defense Department spokeswoman, told CBS News. April 2020 |
![]() S O M E T H I N G s C O M I N G Adam Gabbatt - "The Guardian" |
Is America finally ready to take UFOs seriously? Last year was a breakthrough time for UFOs, as a landmark government report prompted the possibility of extraterrestrial visitors to finally be taken seriously by everyone from senators, to a former president, to the Pentagon. February 2022 |
N A V Y---T A K I N G U F O s S E R I O U S L Y |
The U.S. Navy is working on new guidelines for its personnel to report sightings and other encounters with "unidentified aircraft," Politico reports. It sounds like a major step toward taking UFO encounters more seriously: the Navy's new process would create formalized guidelines for sailors and pilots alike to report and analyze each one of the encounters. April 2019 |
![]() David McDonald, Director, MUFON International A N N O U N C E M E N T |
2023 MUFON eNewsletter by David MacDonald, Director, MUFON International ![]() "February 2023 will be one of the most important months in MUFON's illustrious 54-year existence." ![]() |
![]() E V O L U T I O N by Shapes of Wisdom |
Recognize shapes? See a pattern? ![]() 1990 - 2000 |
![]() F I F T Y--Y E A R S--O F-- U F O--P H O T O S B. D. P. (Before Digital Photography) 1942 - 1992 |
![]() A collection of UFO photos and stories gathered by researchers before the era of smart phones and "Photoshop" |
![]() T H E--R E A L--C L O S E E N C O U N T E R-- O F--T H E T H I R D--K I N D By Paul Althouse |
While the "Portage County UFO Chase" may have inspired scenes in "Close Encounters of the 3rd Kind", the real story happened after the chase.
A number of police officers were involved and provided NICAP (the most active private UFO investigating body at the time) with detailed descriptions of what they saw. These accounts came from those interviews. From our September, 2022, MUFON of Ohio Newsletter |
![]() U F O:--"L A N D--H O" o r--HO--HO--HO? By Paul Althouse |
"One Midland, Ohio woman...
reportedly saw a creature that
didn't look like the average,
everyday homo-sapien.
Her description of the creature
from who-knows-where pictured
it as huge and hairy with a big
eye or eyes, and, of course,
with big three toed feet." quote from Jim Tripodi - "Beaver County Times" Staff |
![]() U F O--P R O F I L E By Paul Althouse |
Robbie Graham, passed away February 2023 An extremely talented writer, he pursued the UFO mystery for more than half his life. In an always personal way, Robbie eloquently brought his own insight into any subject he wrote about. |
![]() U F O--P R O F I L E By Dr. Irena Scott |
Jennie Ziedman, 88, a native Ohioan, passed away on April 8, 2020. "She was about the first UFOlogist I met. She helped me in many ways and furnished a lot of the material for my last book. She worked for Dr. Hynek at Ohio State University, Battelle Memorial Institute, and Wright-Patterson AFB's Project Blue Book." From our June, 2020, MUFON of Ohio Newsletter |
![]() T H E--U F O E N C O U N T E R T H A T--T O R E--A C O M M U N I T Y A P A R T By Raffaella Ciccarelli |
As a Massachusetts family was driving home on a still, warm evening 50-years ago, they had no idea their lives were about to be changed forever. From our September, 2020, MUFON of Ohio Newsletter |
![]() E N C O U N T E R A T--A S C O T--P A R K by Scott Santa |
"The exact date is not recalled, but on one day in August 1974, a pseudonym friend, "Mike," and I had nothing going on. Bored, we idly elected to go to the drive-in movies. I must add here that I only seem to recall, at this point, that I was with someone at all. I am just not sure. I could have been alone. (This speaks directly to the high strangeness of the evening's whole affair.)" From our December 2020 MUFON of Ohio Newsletter |
![]() U F O--P R O F I L E by Kevin Randle |
TED PHILLIPS began investigating UFOs in 1964 and met Dr. J. Allen Hynek during the investigation of the Socorro UFO landing. It was Hynek who suggested that Phillips concentrate on UFO physical trace cases. From our June 2020 MUFON of Ohio Newsletter |
I N--M E M O R I U M W I L L I A M--E--J O N E S |
William E. Jones, 79, of Columbus, Ohio, passed away peacefully in his home at Dublin Retirement Village on March 25, 2022, with family at his bedside. The leader of MORA - Mid Ohio Research Associates and State Director - MUFON of Ohio, Bill will be remembered by the many he touched with his keen interest in the UFO phenomenon and all of its facets. |
![]() M U L T I P L E P H E N O M E N A O N--C O L O R A D O R A N C H by John Deer PhD and Leo Sprinkle PhD |
The Skinwalker Ranch case is not the only one of its kind. It has happened before at least once, and it happened in nearby Colorado APRO (The Ariel Phenomenon Research Organization) published a series of articles starting in 1978, in their journal, "The A.P.R.O Bulletin", describing the investigation of a ranch in Colorado that had been experiencing strange encounters with orbs, entities, and poltergeist activity. This original report appearing in the APRO Bulletin, July, 1978 thru January, 1979, was reprinted by WIlliam E Jones. Director of MUFON of Ohio in February, 2009. |
S C I E N T I F I C A N A L Y S I S O F--T H E--D R E S S B E T T Y--H I L L--W O R E D U R I N G--H E R--C E 3 E X P E R I E N C E by Phyllis A. Budinger M.S. |
"A CE1 sighting experienced by myself many years ago created an obsession. That obsession was to find out about who was piloting the craft. Later in life I became an analytical chemist and got 'up-close' to the evidence." |
![]() U F O--P R O F I L E from UFOWATCHDOG.COM - Royce Myers III |
Kenny Young was born in Cincinnati, lived in Florence, Ky., and was considered one of the most professional, objective and successful UFOlogist’s ever, as deemed by his peers and fellow investigators. |
![]() O U R--V A C A T I O N I N C L U D E D F A M O U S U F O--S I T E S by Paul & Terry Althouse |
"Since our retirement, my wife and I planned a number of long term road trips visiting various parts of North America. This includes a trip that took us from our home in Ohio through New England and up to Prince Edward Island, returning via Nova Scotia. New Hampshire also demanded a stop on our way home. Here are two of the places we visited." From our October 2019 MUFON of Ohio Newsletter |
![]() T H E--S A L T--F O R K A B D U C T I O N S by Thomas Wertman and Phyllis Budinger |
Late in the evening the two men saw a light low in the sky. It moved back and forth to tree top level.
About 1:30 a.m. they heard a shrill ‘woman-sounding” voice. The men have no recollection of what happened for three hours after that. From our March 2019 MUFON of Ohio Newsletter |
![]() C O Y N E H E L I C O P T E R C A S E--R E V I S I T E D by Thomas Wertman |
"Four to five years ago I was conducting one my first library UFO presentations when an individual in the audience asked me if I was familiar with the Coyne case. After a brief 5-minute explanation, I asked if that answered his question. His response 'That was the way it happened' caught me by surprise." From our July 2016 MUFON of Ohio Newsletter |
![]() A R I Z O N A A D V E N T U R E by Phyllis Budinger |
“I wonder if ‘Chasing UFOs’ in my advanced years is a good idea? This thought occurred to me when I agreed to travel to Arizona regarding the Travis Walton abduction for a TV production." From our October 2015 MUFON of Ohio Newsletter |
![]() U F O--P R O F I L E by Phyllis Budinger |
John P. Timmerman - UFO Researcher and pioneer. From our February, 2016 MUFON of Ohio Newsletter |
![]() R I C K--H I L B E R G L I F E T I M E A C H I E V E M E N T A W A R D by Tom Wertman |
Rick Hilberg’s roots in ufology came after he attended his first organized meeting in the summer of 1958. From our July 2015 MUFON of Ohio Newsletter |
![]() F R E Q U E N T--U F O V I S I T S--TO D A V I S - B E S S E P O W E R--P L A N T by Ron McGlone and Phyllis Budinger |
"My late husband and I owned a condo on the shores of Lake Erie about 35 miles east of Toledo. Our son had been telling me about seeing unknown objects (always by the power plant) ever since he had been living there. " From our March 2018 MUFON of Ohio Newsletter |
![]() T H E--N E E D--F O R A--W H O L E--N E W G E N E R A T I O N O F--U F O L O G I S T S by Tom Wertman |
Someone once said “Nostalgia is not what it used to be”. While this was said as a joke, it also has a level of truth. From our October 2014 MUFON of Ohio Newsletter |
![]() T H E--M O O D Y B L U E S--U F O E X P E R I E N C E by Paul Althouse (from Flying Saucer Review) |
Like many rock and rollers, it's not unusual to be up late at night returning from a show, and so it was that the Moody Blues were outside of London when they noticed something following their cars. From our March 2020 MUFON of Ohio Newsletter |
![]() S Y N C H R O N I C I T Y A N D--T H E--U F O R E S E A R C H E R from the Cleveland Ufology Project |
"With my procrastination now over I opened the first container. A slight smell of mildew from the fifty year old documents began to fill the room." |
![]() C O R D E L L--H U L L S A W--A L I E N S--I N G L A S S--J A R S I N--1 9 3 9 from The Black Vault |
Thanks to B.J. Booth of UFO Casebook, William E. Jones, Dr. Irena Scott, CUFOS International, and the Black Vault |
![]() Q U E E N--C I T Y--7 3' from Citybeat |
The Queen City UFO Flap of 73 - Kenny Young RIP - Kenny Young Coyne Copter Case - Bill Jones |
A--F U N N Y--T H I N G H A P P E N E D--O N T H E--W A Y--T O T H E--P R I N T E R by Phyllis Budinger |
Even taking the Fall 2014 newsletter to the printer generates a sighting report |
M U F O N 's--2 0 1 3 "U F O L O G I S T O F--T H E--Y E A R" by MUFON of Ohio |
Phyllis Budinger
takes you on a tour of her lab. From Delphos, Kansas to Betty Hill, Phyllis has investigated the traces of UFO interaction. |
![]() U F O--P R O F I L E by Paul Althouse |
John A. Keel - Author of "The Mothman Prophecies", is a "Paranormal Pioneer"![]() The calling card John used in India in the 1950s. |
![]() "D I S C L O S U R E M O V E M E N T." by Robbie Graham (from Silver Screen Saucers) |
Robbie Graham of Silver Screen Saucers made a compelling argument for why "disclosure" will never happen. |
![]() U F O--P R O F I L E by Paul Althouse |
James Fox - Producer, Director, Writer, Organizer. |
![]() U F O--B O O K S W O R T H R E A D I N G by Bill Jones |
Assistant Director Emeritus Bill Jones offered his "Best Of" reading list. |
![]() U F O--P R O F I L E by Paul Althouse |
Nick Redfern - Investigator, Author |
![]() W H Y--J O I N M U F O N? by Paul Althouse |
What is the current state of Ufology? Think about it. Ever "google" UFO? |
![]() A--L O U D--U F O From the Ohio UFO Notebook, Summer 1997 |
W H E R E--T O B E G I N? by Paul Althouse | How many other untold stories are out there to be discovered through chance conversation. |
![]() A--S T E P--B A C K I N--T I M E by Donald Weatherby |
"Perhaps we were not the only ones who turned
one of Rod Serling's scripts into reality that night." From the Ohio UFO Notebook, Summer 1997 |
![]() T H E--T U M B L I N G B L A C K--B O X by Vic Wolfe | You can believe it or disbelieve it. From the Ohio UFO Notebook, Summer 1997 |
![]() R E A D E R R E S P O N S E TO "T h e--T u m b l i n g B l a c k--B o x" from MORA | The "black box" phenomenon takes many different forms |
![]() A L I E N S--L I N K E D T O--A L L E R G I E S? by Franklin B. Reams | "The family came to me about three and a half years ago to tell me of a very strange 'dream' that their young daughter had experienced." |
![]() I N V E S T I G A T I N G A B D U C T I O N C A S E S by Dr. Karla Turner | Take note of these if you ever get involved in an abduction case. |
![]() T H E--M A N D I B L E: A--T E S T--R U N by Kathy Kasten | The purpose of this article is provide another perspective regarding an artifact referred to as "the mandible" |
![]() A--"S N A G" R E T R I E V A L by MORA | You can call this story a rumor, if you wish. |
![]() J A C K S O N,--O H I O J U N E--5,--1 9 9 6 by William E. Jones | A brother and sister were witnesses to an unusual event at their rural southern Ohio home |
![]() ![]() B R E M EN,--O H I O A U G U S T--2 8,--1 9 9 4 by William E. Jones and Irena Scott | Before the event, she said she was a non-believer in UFOs. |
U F O--P R O F I L E by Paul Althouse |
Stan Gordon - Investigator, Author |
![]() ![]() R O S S / H I G H L A N D C O U N T I ES,--O H I O F E B R U A R Y--1 9 9 6 by William E. Jones and Irena Scott | Many thanks to John Timmerman of the J. Allen Hynek Center of UFO Studies for the initial lead to these sighting reports |
R O S S--&--P I K E C O U N T I ES,--O H I O A P R I L / M A Y--1 9 9 6 by Paul Althouse and Paul Burrell | She looked up to the east and saw an Army green or dark gray, boomerang-shaped object. |
![]() ![]() T H E---O H I O C R A S H C O N N E C T I O N A N D--O T H E R S T O R I E S by William E. Jones and Irena Scott | Nine related and not-so-related investigations |
![]() A--L E T T E R F R O M--U F O A F R I N E W S by Bill Jones | What we take for granted here is often not enjoyed by others. |
![]() P A U L D I N G,--O H I O C R O P--C I R C L E P H O T O S by Chris Steele | When first discovered, there was no reported damage to the surrounding crops |
1 9 9 6--M U F O N C O N F E R E N C E S U M M A R Y by Paul Burrell | The Varginha, Brazil, case and Dr. Roger K. Leir's implant report stood out |
![]() A N--O P I N I O N: I N T E L L I G E N C E by MORA | One of the major weaknesses of ufology is that we rarely get our information into the hands of those who can use it best. |
![]() ![]() U S---N A V Y S U P P O R T--O F U F O--R E S E A R C H by William E. Jones and Irena Scott | "While canvassing a neighborhood looking for eye witnesses to a local UFO sighting, we had a man tell us just a 'bit' about his UFO investigative experiences." |
![]() ![]() S E L M A,--O H I O M A R C H--2,--1 9 9 5 by William E. Jones and Irena Scott | "Our witness to this sighting has experienced several other UFO sightings in his life, This sighting was different." |
D A N C I N G---R E D L I G H T S--O V E R L O G A N,--O H I O by Paul Burrell | The lights' apparent attempts to interact with both a car and an airplane, the strange wheezing heard, an anomalous object, the number of credible witnesses including police officers, and other odd events in Ohio on that same day, make this case intriguing from several different investigative standpoints. |