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S O U T H E A S T E R N--O H I O--E N I G M A

by Franklin B. Reams

From the Ohio UFO Notebook, May 1992

Wendelle is what one would call a gentleman farmer. He is 58 years old and has a BS degree in Animal Science from Ohio State University. His farm is about a mile from Cedar Falls, Ohio. He had his first strange experience in 1975 when he and his wife were coming home around midnight. They own a second house across the road from their home. It is about 1200 feet away on top of a small hill. As they approached their home they saw what they thought was a lantern in the back yard of the second house. No one had lived there for about two years. Thinking someone was breaking in, he went over to the house to look around but found nothing. The light was gone.

After this incident they would occasionally see lights in the sky coming down over this house. The lights were multicolored. Through binoculars he would see various colors like blue, green, amber (which was sometimes dim), and a brilliant light of some kind. They began calling it "Greenman" because of the green light. They began seeing it on almost every clear night. Wendelle would sometimes flash a light at it hoping to get a response, but he never did. The only response he ever got was when they would step outside. At this, it would "back up." If they stayed inside it would remain closer. The object never made any sound and it always left the area by going west.

On one occasion Wendelle saw three of the objects at the same time. On another, he had two friends, who were air traffic controllers in Columbus, come down to help identify the light. They returned to Columbus and checked air traffic records but came up with no answer.

In 1978 Wendelle had a friend named Bud, who is a Lutheran minister, come to his place to view the light. It appeared and maneuvered over fairly large distances, made sharp turns and side to side movements, and it changed colors and intensity. All of this lasted for about one hour.

In 1979 Wendelle saw a huge platinum-colored light near their home. It had rays going out in all directions. He and his wife got in their car and started driving toward it. The light diminished to almost nothing, and then could be seen no longer as trees got in the way.

Wendelle and his wife drove over to the Ashcave fire tower to take a look over the countryside. When they got up to the top of the tower and looked back toward Cedar Falls, they could see this object down in the trees about a quarter mile away. The object appeared to be about 100 feet long and was oval in shape. It was a gray metallic color. There were three large windows visible. Red, green and blue lights, like those on a police cruiser, were flashing out of the windows. They watched the object for about 30 minutes. Finally it moved up above the trees and then quickly flew off with "like a small puff of vapor" coming from the trailing edge. There was no sound. A small multicolored, triangular shaped beam of light was emitted up into the air. The object then moved instantaneously about 3 or 4 miles; after a few minutes it disappeared.

In 1980 Wendelle and his wife left their home around 3:30 AM to drive to Georgia to pick peaches. Driving on Route 56 toward Laurelville his wife looked out the car window and said, "There's Greenman." The object was high and to the right in front of them. He turned his lights off and on and periodically stopped. When he stopped, it did too. When he started up, it would do the same. [Comment: This sounds suspiciously how a bright star or planet would act in this circumstance.] Just before they got to Laurelville, the light appeared like a July 4th fireworks display. Then it was gone.

Wendelle and his wife were not the only people who had experiences with the light at the second house. One morning, two couples who had been staying there overnight, reported that something had seemingly hovered over the house and emitted a red haze. There had been a light on in the bathroom during this event and it dimmed. A similar event occurred to another person who had stayed in the house.

Wendelle was asked if he had ever had a psychic experience during his life. Initially he responded in the negative. Then he remembered when his sons were around seven or eight years old they had told him about a man in a suit with a briefcase who came into their room one night. They described him as a green glowing light. When he sat on their bed they felt the mattress depress. They were naturally scared. They hid under their covers but said they had seen him disappear through the wall. Wendelle said he thought it was just their young imaginations at work, but noted that this occurred during the peak period of the light sightings. The boys still feel it was a real event today.

This case is far from earth shattering. Because the events happened several years ago, they cannot be fully documented. This article is presented here only to show that specific families and locations are still susceptible to being the focus of UFO related events. Southern Ohio has long been the focus for these types of events. No one can say why this is happening or whether it will continue.

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