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E M F--A N D--U F Os?

by Patricia Mason

The abduction experience is a fascinating aspect of the UFO phenomena and, like UFOs, is elusive and difficult to research. One must rely on the experiencer’s memory of the event. Are these events real? Even experiencers themselves question this. There is a physical and measurable force that can effect human perception - EMF. Discovering the role of EMF in this mystery is essential to its solution.

Magnetite is a mineral with magnetic properties. Composed of black crystals, it is the most common form of iron ore mined in the United States. Magnetite is also found in the cells of living organisms such as honey bees, whales and birds. It is thought to act as a navigational aid, a sort of a biological compass. In the early 1990’s, magnetite was found in the human brain by a team of Caltech geobiologists headed by Joseph Kirschvink. Samples of magnetite extracted from various areas of the brain were consistent in size and shape. This may indicate that magnetite serves some biological function, but research has not yet revealed what that function might be.

EMF, electromotive force, is created by the difference in electrical potential between two points causing the generation of both electric and magnetic fields. There has been a public debate going on since the 1970’s about the environmental issues of EM (electromagnetic) field exposure (such as living near power lines), microwave radiation and pulsed EM waves (the type emitted by a nuclear explosion) and their consequences to human health. This has generated many medical studies as well as a vast amount of anecdotal information about the physical effects of EMF. As a result, there is a significant amount of information available.

The similarities between the reported effects of EMF and the physical and mental effects reported by people who feel that they have had a UFO abduction are tantalizing and deserve further study. Review of the abduction phenomenon in light of the research to date on the effects of EMF on the human system may yield some exciting and surprising answers. For example, pulsed electromagnetic waves can cause memory loss (1), a consistent and frustrating symptom of the abduction experience that hinders UFO research.


Strange sensation in hands, tingling Tingling, hair standing on end
Change in menstrual cycles Female disorders, missing fetuses
Sleep (electrosleep) Falling asleep at inappropriate times (such as at the sight of aliens)
Allergic responses Sinus problems
Headache Headache
Fatigue Fatigue
Cardiovascular and digestive disorders Low blood pressure
Stress-type responses Post traumatic stress disorder
Poor appetite Depression
Physiological changes involving muscle or joint painsImplants, unexplained marks on body, pain during abduction experience
Anti-tumoral effects Unexplained healing
Memory loss Memory loss i.e. “missing time"
Acute sensitivity in sense organs Increase in perceived psychic abilities
Visual phenomena and disturbances in vision See luminous disks and/or beings
Failure to make electrical appliances work Electrical appliances malfunction in their presence, “can’t wear a watch”

To give a reason for the abduction phenomena is beyond the scope of this paper. There is no hard evidence as to whether the abduction experience is the result of government manipulation of the populace, extraterrestrials, supernatural forces or simply a result of the environment. The true answer is probably far stranger than we can even imagine.

EMF may be the élan vital, the very spark of life that animates our bodies. It may be the force that manifests our consciousness into physical reality. It has been shown to effect our perceptions and feelings. Exposure to EMF may even permanently alter us spiritually. The abduction experience is changing not only the experiencers, it is changing our whole world view. One is reminded of the image of UFOs hovering above power lines. Was this a foreshadowing of future events, or was someone or something trying to provide us with an important clue?


Davis, Albert Roy and Walter C. Rawls, Jr., Magnetism and Its Effects on the Living System, Exposition Press, 1974, (1) p.52

Faber, Scott, “Magnetic Minds,” Discover Magazine, January 1993

Hopkins, Bud, Missing Time: A Documented Study of UFO Abductions, Richard Marek Publishers, 1981

Jacobs, David M., Secret Life: First Hand Accounts of UFO Abductions, Simon and Schuster, 1992

Mack, John E., Abduction: Human Encounters With Aliens, Charles Scribner’s Sons, 1994

Sheppard and Eisenbud, Biological Effects of Electric and Magnetic Fields of Extremely Low Frequency, New York University Press, 1977

Smith, Cyril W., and Simon Best, Electromagnetic Man: Health and Hazard in the Electrical Environment, St. Martin’s Press, 1989

©1995 Patricia Mason
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